Sunday, July 1, 2012

U.S. Army CID Targets Bradley Manning Support Network

In response to a FOIA request, the United States Army Criminal Investigative Division announced that it was engaged in “an active investigation … in progress with an undetermined completion date,” of the Bradley Manning Support Network. As a consequence of this investigation, the Army CID would not release any material responsive to FOIA requests at this time.

The US Army CID has invoked (b)(7)(f) to justify, in part, their denial. This means that US Army CID believes that release of these records will risk the physical well-being of individuals involved with the case.
With WikiLeaks records being withheld, in part, on (b)(7)(f) exemptions grounds, it seems that Army CID has decided that both WikiLeaks supporters and members of allied organizations are a threat to commit physical violence either against investigators or those who cooperate with the investigations.

Army CID- Bradley Manning Support Network Letter